Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Blog Post Ten: EOTO- Whistleblower

    An individual who reports wrongdoing, such as fraud or corruption, to the public or a higher authority is known as a whistleblower. They may work for a firm or government agency. There are particular rules designed to shield whistleblowers from losing their jobs or receiving unfair treatment. Most businesses have a distinct policy that outlines exactly how to report such an incident might start a criminal inquiry against the firm or any specific department. Once the appropriate individuals have been notified, the whistleblower has made a Protected Disclosure and is entitled to whistleblower protections. 

    Whistleblowers might be either internal or external. Internal whistleblowers are those who alert senior officers of the company, such as the CEO or head of humans resources, to misbehavior, fraud or indiscipline. An external whistleblower reports wrongdoings to parties outside the organization, such as the media senior government figures, or even the police. While whistleblowing is crucial for securing sensitive national security data and operations while ensuring that you can "say something" if you have "seen something". Every day, there are whistleblowers in the Federal Government. A simple talk with a supervisor, calling a specialized hotline, sending information to Congress through the appropriate procedures are all examples of whistleblowing. 

    Fighting corruption is one of the main benefits of whistleblowing for others. One of the greatest financial burdens on society is caused by corruption and waste in government. Every time a contractor overcharges the government, or a company commits fraud, they are earning money by defrauding other people and their hard-earned money. Making sure wrongdoers are not rewarded is another advantage of making a whistleblower report. To put it clearly, the bad guys win when a company is permitted to get away with defrauding the government because those who are aware of the illicit behavior are afraid to speak up. Because of the wrongdoers' unfair edge in the marketplace, honest contractors and service providers suffer. Earning financial compensation is one of the major benefits of making a whistleblower report. The law offers large financial awards for whistleblowers who reveal information that results in a recovery since the government understands that they are courageously acting to do what is right. 

    Whistleblowing has the potential drawback of putting your job or career in jeopardy. It is true that an employee who files a whistleblower claim or otherwise provides information to the authorities may experience employer retaliation and may later have trouble finding employment in relevant industries. Another disadvantage of whistleblowing is the process being lengthy. Between the moment a whistleblower starts working with an attorney and the time attorney and the time a financial incentive is given, whistleblowing claims can take several years on average. The delay, however, might be worthwhile given the size of the potential rewards and the beneficial impact taking a stand will have on society. The possibility of a whistleblower's claim might not be true, can affect many people's jobs, time, and money. As a whistleblower, you could only be partially aware of potential misconduct, and you might not be fully aware of the relevant legal framework. There is a risk of making an inaccurate allegation that cannot be supported by the law or the facts. 

    Whistleblowing can be a very risky job. An example of a whistleblower would be Edward Snowden. In 2013, while working for and on contract with the National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden exposed highly sensitive material. He is a dual citizen of the United States and Russia. This is an example of how much whistleblowing can affect someones life. Snowden has been living in Russia for the past nine years to avoid prosecution in the US after leaking classified information along with documents detailing government surveillance programs.  
    Whistleblowing can affect our generation along with society in negative ways. Gen Z is known as the digital age, therefore making it a lot easier to leak more information. Also, having a lack of privacy from being surrounded with technology consistently, has made whistleblower's job's easier. It gives them more access to private details of everyone's lives. Although the risks and cons will still remain. Reporting typically comes at a high cost: in order to reveal misconduct that endangers the public good, whistleblowers risk their reputation, livelihood, and sometimes their personal safety. They might lose their jobs, be sued, put on blacklist, detained, or threatened. 


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